Why hoop? Well for starters, it's FUN! There's arguably no better way to bring out your inner child than to grab a hoop and shake your booty!
Hoop for your mind: It will bring you into meditative states and help you become more in tune with yourself.
Hoop to reduce stress: Hooping won't make that pile of bills go away, or turn an overbearing boss into a pussycat, but hooping CAN change the way you look at the world, and how you react to situations. Find yourself in a hoop and suddenly life isn't as bad as you may have thought. Hooping is a workout, and will bring your heart rate up, and increase oxygen in the blood - making you feel energized and invigorated. Exercise is a great way to stave off depression or mood swings, so the next time you're feeling a little testy, grab a hoop. Within minutes you'll be feeling at least a little better, and have a more positive attitude to take on the world!
Hooping it up to slim down: As stated above, hooping is a workout. Depending on how hard you rock your hoop, you can burn upwards of 600 calories an hour! It would take you about three hours to burn this many calories on a treadmill if you were running at a pace of 3 mph. Who wants to run on a treadmill for 3 hours?? Not me, that's for certain. At a beginner level, with a slow pace, hooping is more likely to burn around 200-300 calories an hour. Not bad at all! And because hooping is so much fun, you are more inclined to hoop several times a week (or more) than running on a treadmill. Hooping tones your abs while strengthening your core muscles, and with specific moves can trim your butt, thighs, and arms. It will also give you increased flexibility and balance. Want to test this out? Before you buy/make your hoop, see how long you can stand on one leg. After a month of hooping, try it out again. Without a doubt you'll be balancing on that leg longer than you could before trying out hooping.
Skeptical? Try it for yourself. Get yourself a hoop and move that body!
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